We create an IT sector interconnection. We involve people, companies, schools and institutions.


One of the tools for streamlining mutual international cooperation is the funds that Slovakia has the opportunity to obtain from national and European sources through grant schemes. Thanks to these resources, Košice IT Valley strives to bring new interesting topics for members in the areas of innovation, education, ICT, employment, business, etc. Projects are also an important means of creating effective international partnerships and cooperation between various private, public and public sector actors. They support a dynamic environment and knowledge transfer for the continuous improvement of competencies and skills for emerging market trends.

During its existence, Košice IT Valley has been involved in solving national and international projects in various areas, either as a coordinator or project partner. He is currently implementing the following projects:

Ongoing projects


  • Project title: Driving smart industrial growth through value chain innovation
  • Program: Interreg Central Europe
  • Project duration: 04/2019 – 03/2022

Link: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/CHAIN-REACTIONS.html

The project provides an insight into the current state of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of cybersecurity and aims to bring improvements and adjustments in methods and policies in this area. The project has two phases and 9 partners from 7 European countries participate in it. The leading partner is BDI from France (https://www.bdi.fr/fr/accueil/), the project is also attended by representatives of regional governments from Spain, Italy and France, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the Digital Wallonia Association from Belgium. , representatives of the Office of Information Systems from Estonia and Slovakia represent the association Košice IT Valley. Detailed information about the project can be found in the APPLICATION FORM link. More information about this project at https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/CHAIN-REACTIONS.html.





CYBER – Regional policies for competitive cybersecurity SMEs Interreg Europe (2018-2023)

Projekt prináša pohľad na súčasný stav malých a stredných podnikov v oblasti kyber bezpečnosti a jeho cieľom je priniesť zlepšenia a úpravy v metódach a politike v tejto oblasti. Projekt ma dve fázy a podieľa sa na ňom 9 partnerov z 7 krajín Európy.  Vedúcim partnerom je BDI z Francúzska (https://www.bdi.fr/fr/accueil/) , na projekte sa ďalej zúčastňujú zástupcovia regionálnych samosprávnych celkov zo Španielska, Talianska a Francúzska, Obchodná a priemyselná komora Slovinska, združenie Digital Wallonia z Belgicka, zástupcovia Úradu informačných systémov z Estónska a Slovensko zastupuje združenie Košice IT Valley. Podrobné informácie o projekte môžete nájsť v linku APPLICATION FORM Viac informácií o tomto projekte na stránke https://www.interregeurope.eu/cyber/.






About Project

The Košice 2.0 project is implemented thanks to the initiative of the European Commission Urban Innovation Measures (UIA). The aim is to support innovative and experimental projects in the field of sustainable urban development to the extent that their cities would not normally be funded. Košice became the first city in Slovakia to succeed in the challenge.


For the Košice 2.0 project, they list three interrelated challenges:

  • Making full use of the potential offered by cross-sectoral collaboration between the creative industries and IT.
  • The economic transformation from an industrial city to a digital and creative city.
  • Addressing the problem of low civic engagement and trust in public institutions.


Goals and intent of the project

  • improving the quality of life in the city, through the improvement and development of urban services,
  • increasing civic engagement in cultural, social and economic activities,
  • development of the cultural and creative industries and education for the creation of new jobs

The goal of the Košice 2.0 project is to create a creative ecosystem in which individual stakeholders (self-government, population, business) will coexist, cooperate and make an informed decision to increase the quality of life in the city.