Report ICT Košice 2022

Košice IT Valley has created a pilot report aimed at analyzing the ICT sector in the context of regional development. It provides an overview of employment trends, demand for specialists, technological innovations, and other aspects influencing the current state and future direction of the industry.

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is one of the key areas of economic development and innovation. Its importance continues to grow not only on a global scale but also at the regional level. The dynamics of technological changes, the need for a qualified workforce, and the expansion of digital solutions shape new challenges and opportunities for companies, educational institutions, and professionals in this field.

This report maps selected indicators for the year 2022, while a more recent edition is available to members of the Košice IT Valley cluster.

You can find information on how to become a member at this link.

Maria Šurimová - kosice it valley
Mária Šurimová
Data analyst

