We create an IT sector interconnection. We involve people, companies, schools and institutions.

Christmas IT trilogy – Part 3

We are at the epicenter of the fourth industrial revolution that will change the world beyond recognition for future generations.

TOPIC: From the steam engine to INDUSTRY 4.0 in 9 generations
GUEST: Karol Grülling / Engineering Director at Ness Digital Engineering

PANEL DISCUSSION, moderated by Miriama Hučková, executive director Košice IT Valley, guests:
◾️ František Babič- TUKE, Vice-dean for Development and External Relations at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
◾️ Róbert Vandlík- U.S.Steel Košice, Process Manager Digital
◾️ Karol Grülling- Ness Digital Engineering, Engineering Director at Ness Digital Engineering

video invitation: https://youtu.be/5b371QiC-ys



Meeting ID: 857 0197 1142

260 years have passed since the creation of the first steam engine, which defined the origin of the industry as we know it today. So let’s look at this with Karol Grülling:

➡️ which technological means accelerated the fourth industrial revolution,
➡️ how software changes and streamlines traditional industries,
➡️ how Košice programmers contribute to the digital transformation of traditional industries: stories from practice,
➡️ what do Korean, Australian, Thai, and citizen of city Košice have in common?
